May 10, 2014

The Neglected Proof of Jesus as Messiah – 5/10/2014

Christians often and rightly demonstrate the clear evidence of Jesus as the long anticipated Messiah by referring to the many passages in the Old Testament Scriptures that offer the specificity of Person (Isaiah 9:6-7; Micah 5:2), place (Micah 5:2), lineage (Genesis 15; 2 Sam. 7:4-19), purpose (Isaiah 53), suffering (Psalm 22), and even timing (Daniel 9- cut off before the destruction of the 2nd temple). These are all awe-inspiring texts laid down long before the Lord Jesus entered history in His earthly ministry. However, is there more to demonstrate? Are we missing a large portion of demonstrable proof that Jesus in fact fits the portrait of the expected Messiah?Listen in to this entertaining and informative episode of Apologia Radio where we discuss a often neglected proof of Jesus as the Messiah. We also talk about the recent depraved act committed by a mother against her own child. Emily Letts, who calls refers to herself as an ‘abortion doula’ filmed the murder of her child to offer support to other women who have either had or are considering killing their baby. We then speak about the foundation of knowledge and the Biblical/Presuppositional approach to apologetics.Please partner with our ministry by sharing this episode!As always, we are grateful when you:Pray for us. Share us. Support us financially by giving at apologiaradio.comNo King but Christ!Apologia Radio

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