Defending the faith can seem like a difficult and perhaps even frightening experience. What do we say? Do I know enough information? What if I say the wrong thing? These kinds of questions can be the wall we hit on the way toward being effective ministers of the Gospel. They are the unspoken reason as to why many might run from the apologetics section in the bookstore. Perhaps, you’ve felt inadequate in the area of defending your faith or having boldness. The good-news is:We have the ‘Oliphint’ in the room.Dr. K. Scott Oliphint of Westminster Seminary joins us for what just might be the most edifying episode we’ve had yet. And that is saying a lot when you consider the fantastic episodes God has blessed us with. Dr. Oliphint spends the entire episode with us discussing his new book: Covenantal Apologetics. Dr. Oliphint is a huge gift to God’s people and in this book is suggesting a change in terminology from “Presuppositional Apologetics” to “Covenantal Apologetics”.Find out why in this fantastic episode! Get ready for an edifying, empowering, and informative show where Dr. Oliphint will teach you not only to defend your faith but about what it means to think and reason like a Christian.Like and Share this y’all! And be sure to pick-up a copy of his excellent new book, here: