So, we put this discussion off long enough. And it’s not an easy one, because we are talking about things that we know we are guilty of and must repent for all the time! We live in a culture that says that self-esteem is important but we are born of blood that says we must fix our eyes not on ourselves, but on Christ alone. They are not messages that can live side-by-side. The end result of fixing on yourself is inevitably self-destruction; the Bible tells us so. Scripture says that our inherent value is anchored in who God is, not who we are. So if you are given to despondency over your failures, fixation on your needs and desires, a lack of hope and trust in what God has promised for you, the answer is to turn outward and look to God, not inward to focus on yourself. We hope thinking through these things is yet another way to view the world, and your place in it, with lenses made from Gospel truth!