Andrew Soncrant

The Water Cooler – Four

265. How to talk to Mormon Missionaries: Second Edition, Pt. 2

264. How to talk to Mormon Missionaries: Second Edition, Pt. 1

10 | The Kirtland Era: The Joseph Smith Translation

9 | The Kirtland Era: Catastrophe

8 | The Kirtland Era: The Beginning of Polygamy

6 | The Book of Mormon – Part 2

5 | The Book of Mormon – Part 1

3 | Pre-History of Mormonism: Making Scripture

2 | The Pre-History of Mormonism: Joseph’s Buried Treasure

1 | The Pre-History of Mormonism: The Smith Family and The First Vision

The Water Cooler – Three

Aftermath – Hinduism

260. The Beatles & Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

259. Hinduism: A Comprehensive Overview

258. The Hindu Origins of Yoga

257. Vivek Ramaswamy: A closer Look

256. Leaving Hinduism: Ex Brahmin Tells All, Pt 2

255. Leaving Hinduism: Ex Brahmin Tells All, Pt 1

Aftermath – Burning Man

The Water Cooler – Two

The Water Cooler – One

The Water Cooler – Pilot

Aftermath – Constantine & The Lost Gospels

226. Ukraine: Media Disinformation & The Fog of War

#222 – Out of the Cults & Into the Church, Pt. 1

#174 – Answering Claims Of Hebrew Roots, Pt. 1

#38 – How to Spot Harmful Spiritual Leaders W/Cultish

#357 – Loving and Engaging Mormons

#315 – Engaging The Danger of Hyper-Preterism

Part 2: Mary Baker Eddy & Christian Science

Part 1: Mary Baker Eddy & Christian Science

Part 2 : Decoding The Church Of A.I.

Part 1 : Decoding The Church Of A.I.

Part 2: Leaving The Hare Krishna Cult

Part 1: Leaving The Hare Krishna Cult

Leah Remini & The Jehovah’s Witnesses Pt. 2

Leah Remini & The Jehovah’s Witnesses

Part 2: Through Jones Colored Glasses

Part 1: Through Jones Colored Glasses

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