Donald Trump

461. What If Trump Wins?

#324 – Trump, Rushmore, and Buffalos

Part 2: Cross Examining Jeffrey Epstein & The Finders

#2004 – Should We Torture People?

#013 – Halloween, The Reformation and Robert Jeffress

AR #191 – Whitelash, Trump, – Ron Paul

AR #188 – Going To War With Russia?

Apologia Radio #187 – Debate Review – Feminism vs. Brominism

AR #186 – The Trump – Clinton Debacle

AR #168 – Jesus IS Winning: Is the World Getting Better?

AR – #163 – Donald Trump’s Pro Life Gaffe

AR #157 – Trump Discussion Leads to Show Meltdown

Apologia Radio #154 – Trump or Clinton? The Lesser of Two Evils?

Apologia Aftershow #24 – Jerry Fallwell Jr and Donald Trump

Apologia TV #24 – Legalize Weed?

Apologia Radio #136 – Answering Mormons – Donald Trump’s Worldview

The Royal Decree – Ben Carson, The Constitution VS The Bible.

The Royal Decree #002 – Donald Trump for President?

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